Roses, Lavenders and Scents of Life
Roberto writes...
Discovering an English country garden… A video by Roberto Alborghetti and Photos by Inna Schutts lead us through roses, lavenders and scents of life. A real Kingdom of Green, governed and managed with passion and great competence by Marysia Zipser, Founder of ACT (Art - Culture - Tourism) in Beeston (Nottingham, UK), public speaker, feature writer, reviewer and blogger. So, welcome to the Land of Robin Hood, where legend and myth have the scent and colour of flowers. An initiative for The Year of the Roses 2020-2021. Soundtrack: English Country Garden, by Aaron Kenny.
Art Culture Tourism founded by Marysia Zipser (“Promoting People & Places”) is a promotions agency whose mission is to recognise, bring together and fuse the multi-cultural creatives in its network, promote Beeston, Nottinghamshire and ACT’s artists, photographers, authors and performers on an international stage.
ACT founder Marysia Zipser hosts inward and outbound tourism opportunities encouraging local business investment, strengthening development and stimulating employment.
Marysia Zipser and ACT on web:
Inna Schutts on social networks:

Alla scoperta di un guardino della campagna inglese. Un video di Roberto Alborghetti con le foto di Inna Schutts. Un vero e proprio viaggio nel Regno del Verde, governato e gestito con tanta passione e grande competenza da Marysia Zipser, Fondatrice di ACT Group (Art, Culture, Tourism) in Beeston (Nottingham, UK), presenter and blogger. Dunque, benvenuti nella Terra di Robin Hood, dove la leggenda ed il mito hanno il profumo ed il colore dei fiori. Colonna Sonora: English Country Garden, by Aaron Kenny. Una iniziativa per l’Anno delle Rose 2020-2021.