Launching Joe Ganech's website was a major objective of the event. Over joyed he could join us from Brussels via live-stream. All our dignitaries got one to one time with Joe. Check out his site.

Wednesday 20th September
Up early again and reflecting on the success of yesterday, mentally checking that all of my aims and objectives for this exercise were covered - they were. Checked and responded to emails and did social media catchup.
Dawn Booth came round to have a tea and chat and to collect her easel. Dawn and Marcus, as fellow artists had an inspiring conversation. Family always comes first in whatever she thinks or does. I had appointment to meet a wood-turner and his wife in the afternoon at Beeston Canalside Heritage Centre to see his beautiful products with a view to stocking them in CHC shop so took photos and gathered info to give to Ops Manager Jenny Aldrich for her to decide. Had nap. Later on met up with Peter Bullock (of Peter’s Shoes & purchaser of Joe’s Robin Hood canvas) and friend Sapphire, in city centre to discuss future potentialities and ate wonderful oven-baked Italian pizza at Piccolino’s, a lovely surprise treat by Peter.
Thursday 21st September Met up with co-workers Caron Lyon and Sapphire Eagle at my place for catch up and future planning and then went over to do volunteer shift at CHC 1.30-4.00pm meeting and greeting and coffee/tea shop duties. I brought Caron and Sapphire over there to see the place as was their first visit, and then each went their separate ways. It was a busy afternoon looking after CHC visitors who came in out of the rain to enjoy hot drinks and delicious cakes and scones. Back home for a nap. Then off back to CHC at 7pm for an Arts meeting, always great brain storming sessions ably chaired by artist/designer Dr Janet Barnes. Back home but totally forgot to watch weekly episode of ‘Outlander’ first series 9 - 10.15pm on More4 channel! Jamie Fraser (Sam Heughan) I absolutely adore!
Friday 22nd September First thing this morning, a flurry of emails/messages/telephone calls to organise timing of photoshoot outside Peter’s Shoes shop in Nottingham with Adam Greenwood ( our Robin Hood) and Peter Bullock accompanied by Christopher Frost, reporter and photographer for The Beestonian. We did it amazingly between 1-2pm and what a fantastic fun time we had. Chris, you did a superb job!! Big thank you’s too to Adam and Peter, great acting/posing! Peter invited me for lunch at the lovely Caffe Thea and I readily accepted. More great ideas and brainstorming! I do love spontaneity!
Saturday 23rd September Up early and back to my Chrome Book! West Bridgford Wire notifies me at 8.30am that Christopher Frost’s article and photograph is published! The Outlaw and the Shoemaker. Chris, what a great title and write up! Immediately I post on social media. Fantastic responses came in immediately on FB, and LinkedIn and Likes/Retweets on Twitter. Everyone loves it, and of course Joe’s Robin Hood art! Then it was back to my finishing my first Blog! This here. What do you think? Have you read part 1 and part 2? Linked at the end of this post! A very busy and ACTive week for me and the A-Team as you can see!! So enjoyable and so much fun had by all!

Conclusion Those of you who read this, ACT does need more partners, sponsors, funders, friends and new Board with stakeholders to enable us to go where the ACTion is and needs are, and for myself to travel to more countries to help children’s education and people’s awareness of the importance of art, cultural and artisan heritage, and of course improve/increase their incoming tourism. This will be achieved via The Ghost Bus Films & Roads Projects introducing Nottingham’s Robin Hood to the World. Nottingham has three Robin Hoods who represent our city’s heritage so just one will hopefully accompany me, and Roberto Alborghetti, who is the producer of the Ghost Bus Films/Roads project, in conjunction with ACT and Bartons plc. So the three of us. Countries who have already approached me/ACT, over the last two years, to collaborate with them on art culture and tourism projects are Ghana, Rwanda, Mexico, Egypt, America, Canada, and certain Asian countries. I know there will be more. I’m here to read your views, analyse and respond positively to achieve our missions and of course your’s. So let’s do it! Let’s grow naturally together, and go with the flow...nothing forced.
Read next: Part 2 - The Cultural Lions Roar