Day Three - A Journey of Discovery in East Sussex
My brother John and I had discussions in the morning where to go today, scanning local history books, and catching up on our family history looking at archive photographs. As we’re in 1066 Country, we decided to keep local and delve into Hastings heritage. One of John’s favoured concise tourism-history references to Sussex is by F R Banks from the 1957 Penguin Guides.
Hastings is of Saxon origin taking its name from a tribe called Haestingas who settled there as early as the 8th century. King Athelstan established one of the royal mints there in 928. On 28 September 1066 William of Normandy landed at Pevensey but soon transferred to a more defended position on West Hill at Hastings. After the battle of Hastings, fought 6 miles north west on the site of Battle Abbey, William made Hastings his principal fort. It became one of the Cinque Ports. Hastings remained a fishing and boat building centre until the second half of the 18th century, where the fashion for sea bathing first came in.

So late morning we motored off to this ancient town, parked the car on West Hill and walked leisurely over the open green space admiring the stunning views below and over to East Hill. To tell you the truth, just sitting on a bench, drinking our orange juice and chatting about the hillside lifts and the town’s history was all we needed at that time on a perfect day.
We decided against taking the hill lift downwards and took the car instead and meandered down some of the old streets of the town where we could, and then walking along the front and to the hard-to-get-to places. Reminds me of the Shambles in York or the Lanes at Brighton, streets you don’t mind getting lost in and going into quaint olde curiosity shops, high class junk or antiquarian shops.

Back home for tea and supper.
Then we put three fold up chairs in the car boot and drove to Bexhill beachfront beyond the De La Warr Pavilion and parked.
We sunk and scrunched into the pebbles and found a nice spot to sit and watch the sun go down while we
chatted about old times and how John and Christine met
There were just a few families around and some packing up their paddle boards, towels and picnic bags. Their smiling faces said it all. What a grand day at the seaside!
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