
Marysia Zipser
May 17, 20203 min read
My 'Letter from Beeston' and Notts "Write Up Your Street" Project
Letter from Beeston Here is my recording of my first Letter from Beeston which was submitted to BBC Local Radio Upload community project...

Patrizia Poggi and Marysia Zipser
May 15, 20206 min read
Imaginary Culinary Journey through Romagna - Part One
Guest Blogspot by Patricia Poggi - Zuppa Inglese - English Trifle Introduction This Guest Blogspot unfolds from when Patrizia Poggi and...

Marysia Zipser
May 6, 20203 min read
Marysia's blog - ACTive week of Video LIVE streaming, Podcasting & Broadcasting
This last week was ACTive. I joined in with Video LIVE streaming, podcast and traditional scheduled broadcasting. First one up was on...

Marysia Zipser
Apr 27, 20209 min read
Lockdown Creative Culinary Delights
During this time, I believe we are all in training as ‘master chefs’ in our kitchens because we are enjoying our creative 'downtime' and...

Marysia Zipser
Apr 15, 20204 min read
Marysia's blog - Garden plants fastest growth rates
I appreciate that many of us are fortunate enough to have gardens and can enjoy their natural growth and derive much pleasure during...