Updated: Jun 22, 2021

Photos taken by Pam Miller
​#JoinJoe 2 was webcast on 23rd November 2017 from Nottingham's City Council House. Shown here are a few photos from the formal gathering with local dignitaries who made this a special event for those attending the venue and to those attending online.
ACT represented and dear friend, Belgian artist Joe Ganech used local Nottingham photographer Ray Teece's picture of the Queen Victoria statue located in Nottingham's Memorial Gardens as the inspiration for his latest work to be added to his Nottingham Collection.
Joe attended via a PCM produced webcast which also enabled friends and fans to attend digitally too.
9 friends and fans attended digitally.
ACT would like to acknowledge with Special Thanks
Joe's Translator - Miriam Grossi
Ray Teece
Glyn Jenkins ​- 2017/18 Sheriff of Nottingham (Official Office)
​Colonel David R Sneath of Nottingham - 2017 High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire (Official Office)
Tim Pollard - Nottingham's Official Robin Hood

Catch The Code - HOW TO GUIDEDownload File
Have you caught the code?
The "Prints NOW On Sale" ad will be running on screens across the city from 27 Oct - 25 Nov.
​The prize draw winner will be announce on Nov 22nd.
​Full details of how to take part in the Catch The Code - How To Guide
By Caron Lyon @pcmcreative ​

​Following the launch of Joe Ganech's website on September 19th along with the announcement
that selected ACT represented artist Joe Ganech and Marcus Gilmore's pints would be on sale at Nottingham Tourist Information and The Robin Hood Legacy Experience gift shop's we are preparing more events to raise the profile of Nottingham's heritage internationally.
On November 22nd Joe Ganech and local heritage photographer Ray Reece who created www.nottingham21.co.uk will be unveiling a new work. ACT have secured a 40sec promotional ad slot on the Nottingham Tourist Information screen to promote the sale of Marcus and Joe's prints in various tourist attractions around the city.

Within the short video is a QR Code. Since there emergence QR codes (Quick Response) they have received some bad press. Used well these chaotic chequer board images present a fun and quick way to share information directly to a viewers mobile device through the use of a downloadable scanner. Use poorly they are a sure gateway to underwhelming your intended audience. They have to offer more than a destination arrived at by the input of a traditional URL (Universal Resource Locator) a www. web address.
Catch The Code - HOW TO GUIDEDownload File

It has to be hidden treasure, hidden in plain sight. Movie posters can do this well rewarding the 'Scanee' with film details of cast and even an exclusive film trailer. Arts Trails have utilised them well by directing the trail explorer to the next location or revealing a code for unprecedented discounts when the destination screen is presented to a local retailer.
However... How many times do they not work or return a webpage you could have just typed into your browser at home? Too Many! Art Culture Tourism's "Catch The Code" is attempting to exonerate the humble QR code's dignity. It;s the gateway to a bit of fun and a chance for the artists to engage you for a few moments of your busy, internet data laden day.

After all nothing is FREE. Your email is often payment! This Catch The Code takes an app TWITTER as offers a new dimension. Did you know Twitter has a built in QR code scanner? Give it a go. Get in on the ACT - Catch The Code : HOW TO GUIDE and... well if you've been stung by too many bad QR experiences this is the QR Code's destination.
All the prints featured on this page are for sale from
Nottingham Tourist Information Centre
Robin Hood Legacy Experience