Updated: May 20, 2021
Marysia Zipser, Founder of Art Culture Tourism, would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa!
We hope this holiday season will bring you peace, joy and happiness.
Please watch and listen to Marysia’s short video here as she tells you about ACT’s 2020 Year in Review,
​7th Anniversary and what we do for the community and worldwide.
​Thank you All for your continued support over the years and we look forward to collaborating with you as Partners, Sponsors, Friends, and of course, newcomers to ACT in 2021 and onward.

Celebrating 7 years of Creativity, Collaboration & Community!
All best wishes from the Team… Marysia Zipser ACT Founder & Director Inna Schutts ACT Photographer & Blogger Dawn Lindson ACT Digital Marketing Trainee with Roberto Alborghetti ACT Creative Partner, Guest Artist & Fellow Blogger
ACT CIC Non-Executive Directors -
Jeanie Barton Beeston, Notts
Justin Donne Beeston, Notts
Councillor Kate Foale Beeston, Notts
Debbie Bryan Nottingham & Ruddington, Notts
Chris Chesney York
Marilyn Comparetto FRSA Stevenage & Datchworth, Herts
See our profiles on ACT website tab About ACT - 'Our Story' > 'Meet the Team' > 'Meet the Board'.
artculturetourism.co.uk twitter.com/MarysiaZipser facebook.com/artculturetourism facebook.com/marysia.zipser.7 linkedin.com/in/marysia-zipser
Images below from left to right
ACT Tree Year in Review 2020 & ACT Box 2021. Sketch by Marysia
ACT 7th anniversary sketch by Marysia
Wollaton Hall & Deer Park and White Hare cards & prints plus framed Flower Art of dried flowers from Marysia's garden.
Hand embroidery badge of Tag by Kelly Evans with Apple Tree print by Marysia.
This video was made by Marysia Zipser and edited by Inna Schutts, with added titles, & video graphics at the beginning and end. The photographs above and below show Marysia's home coffee table arrayed with a collection of her designed lino cut prints and cards of Wollaton Hall & Deer Park, White Hares, historical characters and images. Nottingham shop stockists are: https://wollatonhall.org.uk/, https://www.visit-nottinghamshire.co.uk/things-to-do/shopping/nottingham-tourism-centre-p473481 and https://www.artworks-nottingham.com/. ​For commission enquiries or to purchase cards/prints directly, please email marysia@artculturetourism.co.uk
Other gifts in the above photos - A4 Framed Flower Art with dried flowers from Marysia's Garden; hand embroidery badge of Tag by Kelly Evans, Nottingham; 'Racoon' Robin Hood card by Kimberly Pelkey https://www.kwerkistudios.com/
1. Collection of Wollaton Hall & Deer Park A5 cards and A4 prints on gold.
4. Apple Tree gold embellished in red and white.
6. Thisbe, white on black embellished in gold and red.
7. White Hare 1 & 2.