Since my NottsTV (WATCH), BBC Radio Nottingham (LISTEN) and Nottingham Post (READ) features in late November, I have been getting ready to move in and launch Art Culture Tourism's new HQ premises in The Hive on Union Street in Beeston.'

Thats how I'm going to start 2018 I'll be opening the door for ACT friends and press on Friday 5th January and on Saturday 6th January hosting the grand public opening welcoming the world to the humble of of ACT International. ​ [photo: Peter and Lily from Peter's 'the english shoemaker' Shoes got a first look I'm looking forward to welcoming ACT friends when ever you drop by] There will be much merriment with ACTor Robin Hoods, Tim Pollard and Adam Greenwood, with John Nowell of Interfilm, all taking part in both events. Any more actors who wish to partake in this fun get in touch.
I am so excited to be gaining a home and delighted that home has such heritage. Union Street in Beeston has an incredible history! ​

While putting this together and negotiating the tenancy ACT development has been progressing fast tapping in to the European ERDF / Big House / D2N2 Growth Fund. Together with international funding, sponsors and investors ACTivities are moving in right direction. It's all coming together now with the hard work of 2017 and I'm very excited, gearing up for January 2018 take-off!
In fact there's a brainstorming meeting taking place with lots of funding forms to sign on Tuesday 2nd January in Beeston!
​- Yay!!
Updated: Jun 22, 2021

Photos taken by Pam Miller
​#JoinJoe 2 was webcast on 23rd November 2017 from Nottingham's City Council House. Shown here are a few photos from the formal gathering with local dignitaries who made this a special event for those attending the venue and to those attending online.
ACT represented and dear friend, Belgian artist Joe Ganech used local Nottingham photographer Ray Teece's picture of the Queen Victoria statue located in Nottingham's Memorial Gardens as the inspiration for his latest work to be added to his Nottingham Collection.
Joe attended via a PCM produced webcast which also enabled friends and fans to attend digitally too.
9 friends and fans attended digitally.
ACT would like to acknowledge with Special Thanks
Joe's Translator - Miriam Grossi
Ray Teece
Glyn Jenkins ​- 2017/18 Sheriff of Nottingham (Official Office)
​Colonel David R Sneath of Nottingham - 2017 High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire (Official Office)
Tim Pollard - Nottingham's Official Robin Hood